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Under normal circumstances the Master Class would have had its first run this month. As we all know, these are not normal circumstances. We are entering the eighth week of a hard lockdown, with no certainty of when things will lighten up. See my recent blog here about the fact that when the pandemic eases, things will not really return to normal. We need to be ready for a new normal. Inside Inspired, we have been contemplating the situation going forward and concluded that face to face live intensive training in physical venues is likely to be problematic for some time, and may never fully recover to previous levels.
Accordingly, we are taking some of our own medicine and preparing to Leap Forward to a new normal. The Business Architecture Master Class is morphing to a remote delivery model which will run on a modular basis. This has some challenges, in that we have to redesign quite a lot of the assignments, delivery and group work to fit the new format. We want it to be at least as good an experience as our previous live courses - quite a high bar. The new format will have some advantages, including:
Availability to geographically dispersed students
Easier to fit into packed work schedules than taking a full week out
No need to / expense of travel and accommodation
Opportunity to have a more diverse student cohort
Lower pricing, as we have savings on physical materials, venue and travel
Opportunities to apply learning in own organisation
Gaining skills in remote group working
The exact structure is still being finalised, but is likely to include:
A programme over 15 weeks
Delivered as half day (3 hour) modules that will run each week. A module will be presented at two different times. This is to accommodate different time zones and allow students two scheduling opportunities in a week
High quality notes and references will be provided in .pdf and eBook form
Presentations will be recorded and will remain available to students and alumni for a year
Group and individual assignments will be
Reviewed as live presentations during sessions and/or
Reviewed by instructor/coach following electronic submission
There is time for you to provide feedback and suggestions before we commence. Please let us know what you think. We have some ideas for rewarding top performing students too, even during the programme.
Note too, that we will be including post COVID Leap Forward thinking and the unique readiness assessment in the programme. This is a powerful way to analyse your organisation, its industry and positioning and its fit to a New Normal world. Having identified the areas requiring change, the techniques would help you design a desirable future where your organisation can make the necessary changes / pivot to thrive in challenging new circumstances.
At this stage we are anticipating an August launch.
We look forward to the journey with you.
To register your interest and provide feedback, click here.
Please feel free to share this post with colleagues and others who may be interested.